Request a Review

Requesting a Review
Food Allergy Buzz receives many requests for reviews. If you have a food allergy product, cookbook, website, or food allergy friendly food item that you think Food Allergy Buzz readers might appreciate, please write to reviews[at]foodallergybuzz[dot]com for information and tell us what makes your food allergy friendly item stand apart from the rest. 

Products and other food allergy friendly items submitted for review should be provided by the party requesting the review; Food Allergy Buzz will not purchase products for requested reviews. It may take up to 6 weeks for a review to be posted after receipt of the item. The timing of reviews depends on our current workload. Because we do reviews at no cost to the manufacturer/author/company, reviews are our way of lending our support to a food allergy friendly business. Links from Food Allergy Buzz have a very significant impact on the search engine positions of web sites to which we link. 

Please note: We do not promise to review every item received on Food Allergy Buzz. If we do agree to sample/review your product, book, site, etc, and we don't like it, we prefer not to publish a review. We adhere to the old adage "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

If you are very eager to make contact with Food Allergy Buzz's audience, a paid advertisement is the quickest and easiest way to do so.