30 May 2021

Don't Let the Name Deceive You


I did not realize how long it's been since I last wrote a blog post on here! 

The word of the day for me is "gratitude." 

It's a three-day weekend and the weather is gloomy. It rained all day yesterday and it is dark and overcast today. Temps are in the 50s. Not exactly inspiring for a weekend that historically is sunny and full of cookouts and other outdoor activities.

I have no big news to share, just sharing a small simple joy. 

This morning, we checked the ingredients for butternut doughnuts sold by Dunkin Donuts and found a very recent (May 2021) ingredient list. It's been a while since we checked. Apparently, Dunkin butternut donuts do not--contrary to my long-held assumption--contain nuts or nut oil, and the Dunkin Donuts location near us does not seem to ever sell peanut-containing foods. Lo and behold, it turns out my son can safely eat a butternut donut. Not a really big deal, but isn't it always nice to discover a new "safe" food? Even if it is just a doughnut... 🍩💓

What was your latest unexpected happy food allergy-friendly discovery?

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