12 May 2017

Food Allergy Consumer Tip Fridays: Kiss Freely

While FALCPA has improved allergen labeling for the top 8 allergies in the U.S. on food labels, food allergens are not required to be "called out" or labeled on cosmetics. Yet, some people do react to food allergens in cosmetics and make-up. It is a frequently asked question in food allergy support groups: what brand of make-up is free of most or all of the top 8 allergens? Enter Kiss Freely. Kiss Freely bath and body products are free of the top 8 food allergens as well as gluten, and are made in an environment which is free of the top 8 allergens as well.

Kiss Freely was founded by Jennifer Kurko, mother of a child with multiple food allergies. She began making her own cosmetic products when her daughter developed hives from a kiss on the cheek from mom! One of the most amazing things about Kiss Freely is that they will custom create a product to avoid an allergen on request. Their website states "At Kiss Freely, we know everyone is unique and so are food allergies.  Many of our products allow for substitutions.  If you need to avoid one of our ingredients, simply contact us with your request, and we will do our best to provide you with products made special just for you and your needs."

The Kiss Freely product line includes body butter, lipstick, lip balm, lip gloss, eye shadow, scrub, foundation, etc. In July, Kiss Freely will be adding shampoo, body wash and mascara to their product line!

Please take a look at the KissFreely website, “like” their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter!

Not an ad. Just sharing #teallove. ❤️

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