05 March 2017

Food Allergy Folks You Should Know About: A Sprinkle of Love

In early February of this year, I had the good fortune of meeting @addasprinkle on Twitter. They are a young entrepreneur team at the Rougemont School in South Wales currently working on the impressive and admirable challenge of creating a website and an app to help parents of children with restricted diets--due to food allergies, intolerances, etc--find and share recipes. A few of the team members have food allergies and intolerances, and they also have friends with food allergies and intolerances. They are aware of the challenges food allergies and intolerances can present, in terms of finding safe food to eat and recipes.

Composed of ten 14 and 15 year old students, the team has two teacher advisors--one from their school and one from the young entrepreneurs competition. All team members have some experience with basic programming, but one especially technologically savvy team member is responsible for app development and programming. They are a very motivated bunch of young people, and it is hard not to feel excited and inspired by their work and drive! The team anticipates having a collection of recipes available to app users, and also plan to make it possible for app users to input their own recipes. Users will be able to create profiles and favorite or save recipes to their own user profile. In addition, one recipe will be featured each month.

Currently, the team is looking for a developer to help make the app as user friendly as possible. They also are soliciting ideas and input from the food allergy community. If you have an idea, tip, question, or suggestion for the team, please feel free to email them at asprinkleoflovecookboook AT gmailDOT com or contact them on Twitter, @addasprinkle.

We wish AddASprinkle the very best of luck in the competition and are thrilled they decided to focus on an app to help those with food allergies. It will help address an important need for individuals with food allergies. 

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