25 March 2016

#BCRFancy Twitter Party April 21, 2016

Have you heard? Food Allergy Buzz is teaming up with Fancypants Baking Co. for a fun-filled Twitter Party on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:00 pm EDT/5:00 pm PDT. A few lucky party-goers will win some amazing Fancypants Baking Co. cookies. To find out more about the party and the prizes, please view the invitation. The hashtag is #BCRFancy. The BCR stands for Bite. Crunch. Repeat. -- the words you see on every Crunch cookies package and they are what you'll want to do once you try Crunch cookies!

When I first discovered Fancypants Baking Co. cookies at a local supermarket about 8 years ago, I could not believe my luck.  Finding peanut and tree nut-free cookies made in a nut-free, peanut-free facility in the bakery department at the supermarket was very unusual then. It wasn't like today where you can find nut-free cupcakes, Lofthouse peanut-free cookies, Enjoy Life cookies and bars, or Skeeter Snacks. In fact, it was just the beginning of being able to find Enjoy Life Foods in supermarkets.

Not only has Fancypants Baking Co. been around for years, but they have been nut-free and peanut-free the entire time. Their decorated cookies come in delightful designs and each cookie is decorated by hand. You can see the detail and care with which each cookie is made, in the above photo. They are non-GMO verified, certified Kosher, and the icing is colored with plant-derived colors not artificial

In more recent years, Fancypants Baking Co. has expanded their product line to include Crunch Cookies. Their Crunch cookies are available in supermarkets around the U.S. and come in four different flavors--brown sugar, chocolate chip, double chocolate, and sugar. They are non-GMO verified and certified Kosher too. There are also seasonal varieties as well, too many to list here.
Here is a 2014 video about Fancypants Baking Co. when they were preparing to expand into their now current, newer, bigger facility: 

If you cannot find Fancypants' cookies in your local supermarket, ask your supermarket to carry them. In the meantime, you can always place an order online on the Fancypants Baking Co website!

Hope to see you at the @BCRFancy Twitter Party!

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