Screenshot courtesy of Homa Woodrum (Thank you Homa, I treasure it!) |
I accidentally started a Food Allergy Awareness Week tradition for myself years ago--organizing a Twitter Party to get people talking about #foodallergy all at the same time. Last year, we were able to get #foodallergy to be the NUMBER ONE trending topic on Twitter during the party in some locations! You can see it in this screenshot from one of my favorite food allergy friends, Homa Woodrum--it was fantastic! I guess we set the bar kind of high, and we need to try again!
Let's all meet on Twitter--as many of as we can--and chat using #foodallergy in our Tweets, and see if we can get #foodallergy to trend again. I think we can do it, together!
I'm still making the plans, but:
the date is: Friday, May 16, 2014
the time: 6:00 Eastern (I may switch it later if I hear from the masses it'd be better for West Coast)
the venue: Twitter
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