13 July 2011

More Peanut-Free, Tree Nut-Free Treats in Massachusetts Grocery Stores

After months of being available at some Roche Bros. Supermarkets in Massachusetts, Canada's peanut-free, nut-free Create-A-Treat cookies now are available at some Shaw's Supermarkets. Roche Bros. has been carrying Create-A-Treat frosted cookies and peanut-free, tree nut-free cupcakes for several months. While the prices are higher than similar looking cupcakes and cookies without the peanut-free, nut-free label, Roche Bros. prices these items consistently lower than Shaws Supermarkets. 

This is a handy little tip for those of you with nut and peanut allergic loved ones as well as those of you whose kids have nut and peanut allergic classmates. It's nice to be able to find something at the local store, but it ain't cheap! Also, how DO those soft frosted cookies last so long? I don't think we really want to know the answer to that! We have to be thankful for what we have, and there's no doubt about it, being able to buy cookies or cupcakes at the store is a great convenience.


Sarah said...

Some days I think I am so over baking. And on those days I will be heading for the store. Thanks.

Sometimes it's best not to know what keeps those cookies so long, but they do taste good.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear about these new treats hitting grocery stores! I look forward to future posts. In the meantime, please check out my blog for recipes, product reviews and information for those living a dairy-free, soy-free life. http://dairyandsoyfreemama.wordpress.com/

Anonymous said...

If you or your loved-one has a food allergy, please consider filling out the survey found at the link below. This survey is posted by a small group of scientists who are trying to improve the quality-of-life for those living with a food allergy. Thank you for your time!


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