When my food allergy friend Sloane Miller, aka Allergic Girl, told me about her book giveaway contest, I had to participate. The contest theme is food allergic/celiac positive love stories. She suggested we blog about:
- Any loving act you did for a food allergic family member or yourself,
- Your best date with food allergies,
- Your food allergic dream date,
- A date you planned for a loved one
- Or what your dreams are for your food allergic child when they date.
I like the first option--a loving act I did for a food allergic family member. It's difficult to pick just one! I'm sure I am like every food allergy mom--we do loving acts for our children daily! I tried to make fried rice. Despite sounding simple, it did not taste like the fried rice I get at Chinese restaurants. I try to make chicken fingers like you get in restaurants. They're tasty and good, but not exactly the same. I'm really good at making peanut-free, nut-free homemade ice cream, with all the fixins. Cakes, cookies, all good. Recently, I tried to make baguettes. They were good too, but looked a little funny! Whatever he wants, I will try to make it. Practice makes perfect, they say.
I always bring a safe cupcake to every birthday party, so my younger son is never stuck watching others enjoy goodies. I investigated Breakfast with Cookie Monster so thoroughly, brought a safe breakfast, and he was soooo excited to see Cookie Monster, he forgot to eat! Every time we've traveled, I bring a big box full of safe foods, so we're always ready. You name it, I'm on top of it! He knows this too. He knows he can count on Mom. Big brother--who is not food allergic--knows he can count on Mom too, for he receives the same attention and care, and enjoys his own special treats, just for him. The three of us always have such a good time and are a great team.
There's not just one loving act to point to, there are countless loving acts. I don't even think about it. It's just part of being a Mom.
On that note, I am so NOT ready to think about my seven year old or my ten year old dating! I know they will someday, and I am glad my food allergic son will be able to benefit from the advice of those allergic folks who've come before him, like Allergic Girl. Her book will be available soon and I can't wait to read it! Here is a cute trailer about the book you might enjoy.
I heard some very sweet Valentine's Day stories today, and some really creative Valentine's gift ideas. We'd love to hear YOUR positive food allergic/celiac love story. Please tell us your story in a comment here, and at the end of this week (February 18), a random winner will be chosen to win a free copy of Allergic Girl.
I would love to win this book, since I'm an adult with food allergies (just like Sloane).
I'll describe a dream date. I would love to make dinner and dessert together at my house, since everything here is 100% safe. The dinner date would not include any talk of food allergies whatsoever- no questions about ingredients, preparation, potential cross-contamination, etc. I would love that! I'd feel so free to be me. :) And that's what is SO important on a date...just being yourself.
Okay, I really hope your random generator picks me! Thanks for the opportunity.
I stumbled on your blog today and love it! I have a food allergic daughter, 9 years old, and I don't look forward to her dating any time soon. However, my wish for her is that whoever she dates will first seek to understand her food allergies, and then go above and beyond to make dates with food a special and SAFE occasion.
That is SO sweet! It's great to see what lengths good moms will go to to make their kids happy.
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