21 January 2011

Valentine Food Allergy Twitter Party

It has been a looong time since I hosted a food allergy Twitter party. Food allergy friends keep asking where I've disappeared to over the last while. Life has gotten so much busier here. I am dying to tell you what I have been up to, but that's a story for another day!

I'm thinking it's time for a food allergy Twitter party. Why not a pre-Valentine's Day party to share all your food allergy friendly Valentine's Day finds and compare notes on how your food allergic kids' school is celebrating (or not!)?

I want to give some of those wonderful food allergy businesses a chance to toot their horns with enough time for you to place an order and receive goodies before V-Day, if you wish. Valentine's Day is fast approaching, so set your calendar for Friday, February 4, 8 to 9 pm eastern time. Remember the hashtag will be #foodallergy, as usual!

It's possible there may be some giveaways too, so stay tuned for more details. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line--jenniferATfoodallergybuzz.com.


Colette said...

Bummer! Hubby and I have tickets to a show that night. But, I'll be sure to catch up the next morning by checking out all the great ideas!

Libby said...

I'm finally on Twitter...look forward to seeing you there!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I'm looking forward to it! I added it to the events page on WEGO Health and tweeted it.
Hope all is well with you and your family. Miss "talking" with you :)

hippie_mom said...

so excited for the party! as a celiac mom of 3 (2 of them Celiacs as well), I'm looking forward to getting suggestions and meeting others.

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