With an eye on the food allergy community as a unique group of consumers since 2008, we're on a quest to find and share ways to continue enjoying the good things in life.

31 March 2010

Food Allergy Friendly Lunch Box Blogs, Websites, and Ideas

Still catching up on emails, reading, and blogging here among other things when I happened to read a recent post over at A propos des allergies alimentaires, a wonderful French Canadian blog I enjoy reading. Lise's latest post, Du Nouveau A La Boite de Lunch, is a review of a new French language recipe book for lunches. Speaking for myself, we're definitely in need of new ideas here. Lunch has become far too ho-hum! I have a few websites for lunch ideas and even quick dinner ideas which I visit from time to time, picking out food allergy friendly recipes that suit our needs. Two of my favorites are The Allergic Kid and 5 Dollar Dinners, and there are a few others as well.

I need some more inspiration and thought I'd throw my question to the masses. What are your favorite go-to online sources for food allergy friendly lunchtime ideas?


David H said...

Hi Jennifer,
I'm currently working on a set of recipe blogs (by course)
Food in under 30 mins

My Currently available recipe Blogs are as Follows.

The Gluten Free Video Cookbook
Gluten Free Internet Recipes
The Gluten Free Vegetarian
The Coeliac Lunch Box

Best Regards,

Libby said...

Thanks for the mention! I never intended to focus on lunches, but packing one every single day really is one of the basic challenges of raising kids with food allergies.

My two favorite sites for lunch ideas are lunchinabox.net and veganlunchbox.blogspot.com. Hope that helps!