01 February 2010

Food Allergy Advocacy Thru The Food Allergy Initiative

You may recall that the Food Allergy Initiative (FAI) merged with The Food Allergy Project last year. It was big news in the world of food allergy organizations. Their merger "created the largest private source of funding for food allergy research in the United States." (quote from FAI website) You can read about FAI's efforts on their web site, www.faiusa.org. Their primary focus is funding research to fund a cure for food allergies and they work to achieve this gol through a variety of different activities.

You can aid the Food Allergy Initiative and your food allergic family and friends by adding your voice. Here is a sign-up form to receive news and information from FAI, and there's a box to check off if you are interested in participating in FAI's advocacy efforts. There is also a page where you can send a letter to your senators and congressmen to request more federal funding for food allergy research.

If you haven't visited FAI's website before, please take a moment today to read about their wonderful work and how it benefits the food allergy community. Two particularly noteworthy pages are the page about their public policy achievements and also another summarizing FAI's sponsored research grants.

1 comment:

ZM said...

maybe naively, but I'm a fan of FAI. On the other hand, any group whose medical board has both Schneider and Sampson, has no lack of level heads to drive their policies.

And their clinical research! The Eldest is participating in a trial as I type this (inhale, exhale, holymoly, dairy?) - which means this is the perfect time to send that letter about federal funding.

thanks for the heads-up...

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