25 January 2010

Jessie's Favourite Things (Even with Food Allergies!)

Jessie's Favourite Things (Even with Food Allergies!)
By Melanie Playle
Illustrated by Maria Eugenia Papeo and Marina Saumell
Available for purchase for $19.97 at http://allergysmart.net/products/

Coming soon: Jack's Favourite Things (Even with Food Allergies!)

My 9 year old son's summary of Jessie's Favourite Things (Even with Food Allergies!): "People with food allergies can do anything that people without food allergies can do, but they cannot get near foods they are allergic to."

As a food allergy mom and advocate, the thing I really like about Jessie's Favourite Things (Even with Food Allergies!) is the message that kids with food allergies are just like other kids. They can do the same things, play the same games, and participate in the same activities as their peers. The only difference is that they must take special precautions when it comes to food and drinks by eating only safe foods, not sharing foods or drinks, and always carrying their epinephrine auto-injectors.

I think this is such an important message for food allergic kids and their parents. I am sure you've read commentaries and articles about the crazy, paranoid food allergy moms who keep their kids in a bubble. The truth is most food allergy parents aren't keeping their kids in a bubble. In fact, they're trying their best to ensure their kids have as normal a life as possible, while staying safe. Jessie's Favourite Things supports the efforts of food allergy families, encouraging food allergic kids to just enjoy being kids and to stay safe too. Isn't that what every parent wants for their child?

The main character of Jessie's Favourite Things is an elementary school-aged girl with allergies to peanuts, eggs, and milk. The story is suitable for reading aloud to preschool and young elementary school-age children and is written at a level which may be read by a child as young as 7. In the story, we learn about the many things Jessie enjoys doing--swimming, painting, ballet, etc. We also learn that she has food allergies and she knows what she must do to stay safe with regard to her food allergies. The illustrations depict a happy girl enjoying childhood activities on her own, with family and friends. It's a positive perspective on life with food allergies--don't let food allergies slow you down!

Jessie's Favourite Things is authored by Australian food allergy mom, Melanie Playle. Be sure to check out her family's website, Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Information-Online TV and Podcast Blog.

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