With an eye on the food allergy community as a unique group of consumers since 2008, we're on a quest to find and share ways to continue enjoying the good things in life.

09 December 2009

FAAN's Got a Brand New Website

Have you visited the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network's website recently? They've just had a website makeover and it is looking spiffy, a much more modern, streamlined look with tons of great information, as always.

Please stop by and visit. You might even find some new info! The website url is www.foodallergy.org. FAAN's website is a standard recommended first stop for newly diagnosed food allergic individuals and families and is a leading source for food allergy information and advocacy.

You can find also find FAAN on Twitter--screen name @FoodAllergy--, on Facebook, and on Youtube too.


Anonymous said...

Looks better...definitely will enhance browsing experience now. Keep the good work

Claire said...

The new FAAN site looks great, much easier to use and find new information on. Thanks for sharing.