11 November 2009

Gingerbread House Kits Free of Top 8 Allergens

At supermarkets everywhere, towers and pyramids of gingerbread houses are beginning to appear. As soon as the halloween candy can be sold on clearance, the next set of holiday decorations arrive. Now, there are gingerbread house kits for those of us who need to avoid any or all of the big 8 food allergens. A & J Bakery makes the kits in their dedicated peanut-free, nut-free and gluten-free facility.

The gingerbread house kits are $30 with free shipping. It takes approximately 3 - 4 days to process your order and gingerbread house kits may be ordered until December 21, 2009.

Visit www.aandjbakery.net, telephone 866.426.9075, or email ajbakery@cox.net for additional information.

A & J Bakery is a supporter of Food Allergy Buzz.


Lynn said...

I was thrilled when I read about these on your blog and am going to order (at least) one. I want to call the company first just to double check -- they need to update their ordering page in the online store, because the kit only says egg & dairy free. This is awesome though. It means so much to be able to create fun holiday traditions with our food allergic kids, and I wasn't looking forward to the rolling of homemade dough.

Lisita said...

New to your blog. This is one thing (the gingerbread houses) I really hope to have time to learn how to make in our home this year. My daughter is allergic to peanut, tree nuts & eggs. Great to know there is a bakery who sells them if I run out of time. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading your blog!

TxMom said...

I bought one of these from A&J last year (the one for kids who are also allergic to dairy and egg). We had a ton of fun making and decorating it. However, we had an issue with one of the candies A&J included with the kit.

The kit included Dark Skippers, which are like Dark Chocolate M&Ms and are made by Vermont Nut-Free Chocolates. The problem is that, per the Vermont Nut-Free Chocolates website, the Dark Skippers "may contain traces of milk protein." A&J didn't include a warning letting me know this, or any ingredient list for the Skippers (the only reason I knew they were Skippers was that I called A&J to ask).

Unfortunately, the Skippers made Ainsley's throat itch so I wouldn't let her eat more than the first couple she tried. I think it might have been the milk protein traces that caused her slight reaction. So there's a warning - enjoy, but know some of the candy might have milk traces in it.

Unknown said...

Leigha, I am very sorry to hear about Ainsley's experience. I am glad it was limited to an itchy throat.

I believe A&J is not including any Vermont Nut Free chocolates at all this year. Their web site mentions Gimbals, which are free of the top 8 allergens.

If anyone is in search of milk free chocolates, there are a number of excellent dairy-free chocolate companies these days including Amanda's Own and Premium Chocolatiers.

A&J Bakery LLC said...

I am the owner of A&J bakery llc. I would just like everyone to know that all of our candy is from Gimbals fine candies in Caliaforina. We are sorry if anybody had a issue with a kit last year as far as the candy. We have decided to change candy companys for this reason. If anybody has any questions feel free to contact me directly at the store by calling 401-228-8696 and i will be happy to assit you. I know that everybody will enjoy the kit this year as itis free of the top eight majior allgerens including SOY.

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