I attended an eczema support group meeting/talk last month and thought it was well worth the time. I just received an email with information about the next meeting. For those of you in the Boston vicinity, here is the info:
"Please join us on Saturday 11/14/09 from 10:00AM- 12:00PM at Boston Children's Hospital Pavilion Conference Room (go to the top of the stairs,through the doors and conference room is on the left) for our next support meeting. This will be an open discussion meeting, there will not be a guest speaker. Product samples and brochures from the National Eczema Association will be available.
Please let me know if you are able to attend.
I look forward to seeing you!
Lisa Boyon
1 comment:
Hello! I just found your blog and am thrilled bc our son has food allergies. He has dealt with Eczema since he was a tiny baby and it has been a long road of trial and error. I have a mom blog called smilinggreenmom.com where I share his whole story...but I wanted to tell you too that his Eczema was helped dramatically by taking the Vidazrb bellyboost probiotic for kids. It has been amazing and wonderful and truly a miracle and i just want others to know that there is hope!!! Thanks for the info here :)
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