27 October 2009

We Band of Mothers?

Today, I went with my 6 year old's class and the other 3 kindergarten classes on a field trip to the local farm. My son's class has 15 students and three have food allergies. 2 require eip-pens, the third does not. Does that seem like a high percentage of food allergies to you? I think so. I hear it is similar in the other kindergarten classes too. Another strange fact--three mothers, including myself, came along as chaperones for my son's class. All three of us have children with food allergies. We compared food allergy challenges, tips, along with tales of asthma, eczema, and doctors. I feel like I am part of a weird club, a band of food allergy mothers.

Sounded familiar, kind of like "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers", which then reminded me of one of my all-time favorite speeches--the Saint Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's Henry V.  Of course, it is a Shakespearean battle speech, and I don't mean to suggest it parallels our lives as mothers of food allergic kids, but it's an awesome speech! If you are not familiar with it, here's a version with Kenneth Branaugh:


Elisabeth said...

I know how you feel! As mom to a peanut, tree nut and egg allergic kid, it is always nice to find someone who can empathize with our situation!

I am also a kindergarten teacher at a small Christian school. I have 10 kids in my class - two of which with food allergies and asthma. I cannot tell you how relieved and relaxed my mom's got the second I told them about my son! I actually "got it"!

Anonymous said...

My son has a dairy allergy, and my daughter had a banana allergy. We looked for a way to let teachers, babysitters, etc know about the allergy. We could not find anything to bring awareness. So we created the Food Allergy-Band. It is a kid friendly band, available in Nut, Dairy, and Food Allergy. Check out the website: www.assureproducts.com
Many thanks.

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