12 October 2009

Peanut and Nut Allergies and Oreos

Oreos? This is a question for those of you living with peanut and/or nut allergies: do you eat them or feed them to your kids? We have been buying them for years, prior to and after diagnosis of my son's peanut allergy. This is one of those foods I haven't really done due diligence on because we have never had a problem. From time to time, on the online support food allergy bulletin boards, someone will ask: Are they safe for peanut allergy or nut allergies? I rarely read of someone having a reaction to them.

Take a look, however, at the photos below.


Nabisco obviously makes more than one Oreo product with peanut butter. All the Oreo Cakesters bear a "may contains" warning. I worry that peanut butter Oreo cookies may be made on the same machine as the non-peanut butter Oreo cookies. I plan to contact Nabsico to find out as much as I can, but I'm thinking it may be time to take them off our safe list. What do you think? Do you feel comfortable with Oreos?


Unknown said...

We do still do Oreos, but I'll be interested to hear what you find out.

Elisabeth said...

Bummer about the Oreo's. My son has never eaten them, but I was hoping to give them a chance.

I probably won't let him try them now...too much risk. =(

Can't wait to hear what you find out from Nabisco, though.

Anonymous said...

I generally don't feel comfortable if a company makes a comparable peanut product, unless I have contacted the company and they can assure me that the product was made in a different peanut free facility. Sometimes the companies have told me they wash the equipment pretty thoroughly after a peanut product was made on it, but I personally still don't trust that - but it is an individual decision to make. We tend to stick with certain brands that we know and companies we have contacted - but we always still read the labels and update our info as things do change sometimes.

I'm Just a Girl said...

When we found out about my son's peanut/tree nut allergy I immediately stopped buying Oreo's. He was very young when we found out about his allergy so he doesn't remember being able to eat them...

Gabrielle aka peanut free mama said...

We do the cookies but not the cakesters. The cakesters carry a warning in the large size but the 100 calorie packs don't (made in a diff facility maybe?). Also there is a product called Oreo funsticks (or something like that) that are cookie straws - those aren't safe either. I tend to trust Oreos since they have warnings on other Oreo products. Haven't checked the label on the peanut Oreos tho - wonder how it's worded?

kelly said...

Oreos is/was the only cookie we buy...would be very interested to hear what you find out!

Chemical Kitchen said...

my girlfriend has very severe peanut/tree nut allergies and has never had a problem eating the cookies, but we don't buy cakesters because of the warning.

ValeenBoston said...

My son has both peanut and tree nuts and he eats oreos all the time!!!! I read label and it does not have any warnings at all so i assume it is safe....pleae let everybody know if you find out specifically this is not the case!

Jenny said...

We avoid Cakesters but I have called Nabisco and was assured Oreo's are safe and not processed on lines with peanut-containing cookies.

Due to their clear allergy warnings on other products, I feel pretty good about them. However, I think it's great you're investigating and am looking forward to hearing what you find out.

Unknown said...

My son eats regular and Double-Stuff Oreos. He's allergic to peanut, tree nut, milk and eggs. I've talked to Nabisco and they assured me that their labels are accurate and they list the top 8 allergens if they are in the product or if there is risk of cross-contamination. If anyone finds out differently, let me know. Oreos and Vienna Fingers are the only packaged cookies he eats.

Always read the label, though. Some snack-sized packages of Oreos contain milk. The cookies look identical out of the package.

Lucie said...

You may be right regarding contamination, however, if it is not mentioned in the ingredients or allergy warnings than it should be safe. You can read this post on other steps you can take if you want to be sure. I am in Canada and Oreos are made by Mr. Christie a division of Kraft. I am sure they are connected with Nabisco in the States so they can always provide you with their toll-free number. Their toll-free number is also located for Kraft on this post so that if you have any questions you can call and be sure. I have been allergic for over 25 years to peanuts/nuts and I have had no problems with Oreos. My personal opinion I would stick to the Original Oreo cookies though.
Here is the website: http://www.donteatnuts.com/are-oreo-cookies-peanut-free/

Anonymous said...

AHHHH---she eats oreos ALL the TIME!!!!!

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