22 September 2009

Allergy Smart TV Podcast from Australia

Aaron Dwyer of Allergy Smart TV in Australia has recently posted the latest Allergy Smart TV episode. I enjoy Aaron's show because I think it's helpful to be reminded that so many other parents are dealing with the same challenges all over the world.

Previous episodes were video recordings. This latest episode is a podcast. Aaron touches briefly on the subject of sleepovers and parties with children who have anaphylaxis in Allergy Smart TV is Back (well sort of) - Episode #21. Now, I am curious to hear what happens and will keep an eye open for episode #22, after the sleepover party.

1 comment:

Aaron Dwyer said...

Thanks for the post.

Glad to report that all went really well with the party.

We ran through everything that the host parents of the sleepover party needed to know, and even did a run through with the epipen trainer for the parents.

They took it all on board and were very thankfull for our help in making it easy for them, which of course is our duty to do so. But it's great they felt that way.

They had purchased all the food from our safe party food list (we have a document we made for this), so it was as safe an environment as possible.

Our son enjoyed himself and is keen to have another sleepover.


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