16 August 2009

Vending Machines and Food Allergies

I attended a workshop at a local college on Saturday, and decided that the occasion merited a visit to a vending machine during lunch break for soda and maybe candy too. Apparently, it has been years since I stood in front of a vending machine because I couldn't believe how few peanut-free choices there were there. I wonder how the vending machine choices will change over the next 10 to 15 years with the ever growing population of food allergic kids.

Vending machines in school is a subject of controversy these days, with obesity and other health issues increasingly becoming problems in school age children. Writer and food allergy blogger Susan Weissman--one of my favorites!--wrote on this very subject in The Huffington Post on July 24. Take a look at Snack Attack: US Schools Should Rethink Vending Machines Right Now!


Karen said...

Durring my collage days I would have a fruit smoothy, from the fruit stand after each test.

Patti said...

I had the same experience in the spring at our library. Almost everything had nuts in it. The few things that didn't had milk in them, another problem for one of my children.

I talked to the guy filling the machine one day and he said that those were the items requested by the library. I submitted a request to the library. Now at least we can buy safe potato chips in case anyone is starving. Not the best choice, but there are times when mommy forgets to stash a snack in her bag.

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