We went to Walmart for school supplies today, my 8 year old non-allergic son, my 5 year old peanut allergic son and I. As we walked over to get a carriage, my 5 year old took a few steps back and pointed. He'd spotted a Snickers wrapper in the seat of the carriage in front of us, torn open with caramel dripping out. He knows Snickers is a candy with peanuts and he also knows food wrappers in general can be dangerous because we never know if they contained peanuts. Don't get concerned! He did not freak out or get upset. He was very calm but he was aware of his surroundings! He had spotted a potential danger and knew enough to avoid that carriage and get a different one. Smart boy! It's good to be aware.
Good for him!
Great job....and I LOVE that you took a photo of this! It captured the moment perfectly!
It is momments like this that remind us how capable our allergic children are, of handling their own allergy one day.
Way to go! It always makes me proud when my son does something like that, but sad, too, because he has to live his life so "on-guard".
I love the pic as well. It really captures the moment. Your son's actions give me a renewed sense of confidence it my daughter's ability to manage her allergies in kindergarden and beyond (with my fanatic prepping as well).
My daughter's allergy is latex, and while it's not food, it's amazing how eagle-eyed she is. She notices when people touch water bottles with gloves, or if there are balloon pieces around. It's good to teach our children awareness! Congratulations :)
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