14 May 2009

"If I had a reaction" video

Thanks to the wonderful group, Kids with Food Allergies, I saw this video earlier. It is really a great summary by the well known allergist, Dr. Robert Wood, about what to expect during a first allergic reaction.

For the life of me, I can't seem to embed the video here, but I am providing the link: If I had a reaction. There are a couple other videos you may want to view as well, such as In the clinic: Dr. Robert Wood, MD Discusses the IgE Blood Allergy Test and In the Spotlight: Dr. Robert Wood, MD, Food Allergy Researcher.


Jenny said...

I love Dr. Wood and appreciate his insights since he has a severe peanut allergy himself.

Some of the scenes from this video and the factual contact was hard to take in, even for a "battle scarred" FA parent like me. I wish everyone who comments on a message board that we need peanut/tree nut allergies in our lives to make us feel "special" would be forced to watch that video. Ugh! Thanks for sharing it.

Diet Plan said...


I think this information is helpful and there are so many people use these foods.

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