14 May 2009

Don't Miss It! The 1st Food Allergy Twitter Party, May 15, 2009

You probably already have heard about it here, over at www.bestallergysites.com, on another blog or maybe on Twitter. Friday, May 15, we'll be having the first ever Food Allergy Twitter Party complete with panelists, fun food allergy bloggers, and great prizes from food allergy conscious entrepreneurs and FAAN! The Food Allergy Twitter Party is basically an online "meetup" where we can share our thoughts, tips, and questions on food allergies in tweets (of 140 characters or less). We have planned two party times: 12 noon and 10:30 PM eastern time and each party will last about 1 hour.

So please join us. If you don't have a Twitter account, get one! They are free and easy to use. In order to see other FA Twitter partygoers' tweets, you will need to use the hashtag #foodallergy, and you will need to use #foodallergy for others to see your tweets at the party as well. We would LOVE food allergies to be the top trending topic on Twitter during the party times (12 noon and 10:30 PM eastern time), so be sure to tell everyone you know. Who knows, you might even win a prize!

Who are the panelists? Let's see...I am copying this from Ruth over at www.bestallergysites.com since she's done such an awesome job keeping track of everything! Thanks, Ruth!


And then a big THANKS to our generous donors of prizes (please tell me if I have missed anyone!):

Linda Coss-(@LindaCoss) Book

Navan Foods-(@NavanFoods) $25 gift certificate and free shipping on order

Cherrybrook Kitchen

Flashcard Zoo-(@flashcardzoo) set of Flashcards

Beyond a Peanut-set of Food Allergy Awareness Cards

Lucy’s-Gluten Free Cookies

Allergy Kids (Robyn O’Brien)-Book titled “The Unhealthy Truth”

Alisa Fleming-(@godairyfree) Book titled “Go Dairy Free”

Authentic Foods Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Brownie Baking Mix (@authenticfoods)

Gluten Free Essentials-Speedy Bake Mixes

Allergy Apparel (@AllergyApparel)

Gift Certificate from www.buddybandz.com

The Hidden Dangers of Soy e-book, www.hiddensoy.com

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN)-1 year membership

WOW! It should be great! Don't miss it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are looking for a good website for food allergies, check out www.nourishthis.com every recipe is tagged with common allergens the recipe is free of! (they also have articles and tips on living well-balanced life!)

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