12 March 2009

And Now for a Little Food Allergy Link Love

Here are some links to some food allergy resources which you may find interesting and helpful.

Food Allergy Book

Flourishing with Food Allergies, by A. Anderson, is a relatively new book which has received many positive reviews and is popular among support groups. Here are a few links to reviews by some of my favorite food allergy bloggers:

About.com: Food Allergies, Flourishing with Food Allergies

The book is available online for purchase from a number of online retailers, such as Amazon.

Food Allergy Clothing

A Canadian company founded by Christina Halladay, mother of a young peanut allergic girl. Christina explained the difficulties she had in finding suitable allergy awareness shirts for her daughter. "...as I was looking to outfit her with an allergy awareness teeshirt, I discovered that I could not find what I was looking for. I found great designs in the US but after I paid shipping it was too expensive. The shirts I found more locally were beautiful but so ornate that I felt for a 3 year old, the message was lost. So, I created my own designs." A portion of all teeshirtstalk.ca sales are donated to allergy awareness and research.

Food Allergy Website
Raising Food Allergic Kids is a new food allergy website founded by Lissa Critz, mother of a food allergic toddler. Lissa says "I personally felt when I started doing online research for food allergies in children that a lot of the sites that were heavily into advocacy and politics were strongly in favor of a particular viewpoint on the “cause” of food allergies or what parents should or shouldn’t do with their kids. I wanted a stress-free no-judgment zone where I could share what we do and eventually other parents could join in and share what works for them." You can find Raising Food Allergic Kids at www.rfak.org.

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