17 February 2009

The Recent FAB Pizza Survey

We're still reviewing the results of the recent FAB pizza survey. 92 individuals completed the survey in its entirety. A number of the respondents hail from Massachusetts, which may be due in part to the fact that Food Allergy Buzz was featured on the Boston.com home page for a weekend with a link directly to the pizza post. While we finish sorting through the responses to the open-ended questions, here are the responses to the multiple-choice questions. It was not the most scientific of surveys, but the responses are interesting nonetheless. I was especially surprised by how often the respondents eat at restaurants or order take-out--46.7% eat out or buy take-out every week and 40.2% every month. Perhaps it's a kernel of evidence that families and individuals with food allergies are not as "hysterical" as some would have us believe. 

Q.2 What is your relationship to the food allergic individual in your family? (select all that apply)
your child(ren)80 (83.3%)
self8 (8.3%)
your spouse or partner5 (5.2%)
your parent(s)3 (3.1%)
People who answered question:

Q.3 To which major food allergens is the food allergic individual allergic? (check all that apply)

soy9 (3.6%)
peanuts82 (32.5%)
nuts61 (24.2%)
wheat6 (2.4%)
fish5 (2%)
eggs36 (14.3%)
seeds (such as sesame)20 (7.9%)
dairy18 (7.1%)
shellfish15 (6%)
People who answered question:

Q.4 Do you ever dine out or buy take-out?
yes90 (96.8%)
no3 (3.2%)
People who answered question:

Q.5 How frequently do you dine out or buy take-out? (choose the closest answer)
less than 5 times a year9 (9.8%)
every week43 (46.7%)
every month37 (40.2%)
never3 (3.3%)
People who answered question:


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

That was fun to see some of the results. Glad my family falls right in there with the norm.

Karen said...

I'm sure some of the families, who eat out once and a while, only trust one or two restaurants.

Unknown said...

Yes. I am trying to cut and paste the details, restaurant names and what not so it can easily be viewed on the blog. I'd like to make it so anyone can read all the results. They really run the gamet!

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