With an eye on the food allergy community as a unique group of consumers since 2008, we're on a quest to find and share ways to continue enjoying the good things in life.

18 January 2009

Updated Food Allergy Statement from the Institute of Food Science and Technology

According to an article in Food Product Design, the Institute of Food Science and Technology--an independent membership organization in the United Kingdom for professionals in food science and technology--has updated its statement of food allergy: 

"The new statement describes the nature and cause of food allergies, outlines recent changes in legislation that aim to help allergic consumers to live with their condition and emphasizes measures manufacturers and caterers should take to minimize the problems.

According to IFST, food manufacturers should formulate foods to avoid, wherever possible, inclusion of unnecessary major allergens as ingredients; organize raw material supplies, production, production schedules and cleaning procedures to prevent cross-contact of products by "foreign" allergens; train all personnel in an understanding of necessary measures and the reasons for them; comply with the relevant labeling legislation providing appropriate warning of the presence of a major allergen in a product; and place an appropriate system for recall of any product found to contain a major allergen not indicated on the label."

Click here to read the new statement.

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