While my sons were at school this afternoon, I went to buy Go-Gurt at the request of my older, non-allergic son. We never buy ice cream because of the possibility of cross-contamination with peanuts and tree nuts, but today I thought I'd get Klondike bars as a special Friday afternoon Mom Treat for me. I almost never go in the ice cream and frozen dessert aisle because the "pickins" are so slim for us. Every time I visit that aisle, I see these packages of Frosty Paws--frozen dog treats. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that the supermarket sells ice cream for dogs but not my little boy. It's very odd.
That is just plain weird.
I have the same thought when I see the frozen dog treats in the Schwan's catalog. Crazy.
Yeah my market does have the dog treats but does not carry soy ice cream
***head on desk***
It is weird. I suppose the upside of having to make your own foods is that it's undoubtedly safer and healthier than what they sell anyways. The salmonella story is getting scarier by the day, isn't it?
Yes! This makes no sense. I bought an ice cream maker years ago and it's fun to use and not that difficult once you learn how. I do give my daughter certain "approved" ice creams but lately that is making me very nervous. I need to do more research.
The safety of food is so much more widespread than the cross-contact issues that those of us who deal with FA worry about--I guess we're already more attuned to food safety to begin with. Never thought I'd be grateful for that! :)
Thanks to the food allergy, we make most of our food from scratch. So glad we do. I bet we're much better off for it.
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