It's that time of year again--time to start getting those flu shots. Egg allergies and asthma can add an extra layer of concern to the subject of flu vaccinations. Allergy bulletin boards and discussion groups reflect conflicting advice egg allergic individuals receive from their physicians about whether or not it's safe or advisable to get vaccinated. In addition, individuals with asthma are at a higher risk of developing complications from the flu. The CDC reports that only a small percentage of adults with asthma actually get vaccinated for the flu, despite that risk. Add to that mix the changing flu vaccination recommendations each year, and it's easy to get overwhelmed! According to the CDC website , it's now recommended that all school-aged children should be vaccinated for the flu.
"Beginning with the 2008--09 influenza season, annual vaccination of all children aged 5--18 years is recommended. Annual vaccination of all children aged 5--18 years should begin in September or as soon as vaccine is available for the 2008--09 influenza season, if feasible, but annual vaccination of all children aged 5--18 years should begin no later than during the 2009--10 influenza season."
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