Do you remember Paul Harvey? I remember hearing him on WBZ 1030 in Boston years ago. He would close by saying "...and now you know the rest of the story." Given the strong reactions to the candy corn posts, I thought it would be best to make the email messages from Blueberry Hill Foods , Peanut Free Planet , and me available online so that you will know the rest of the "peanut-free candy corn story". I finally figured out I could publish them using Google Docs. These are the links for all the emails. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!
09/27/08 Message from Heather from Peanut Free Planet
Additional, new information is provided in the post linked below from Heather of Peanut Free Planet on
10/04/08 showthreaded&Number=258938
Additional, new information is provided in the post linked below from Heather of Peanut Free Planet on
I had to come back and add one more thought after first publishing this particular post! I am somewhat saddened that the discussion on candy corn has developed the way it has here and in the emails. As consumers (and many of us parents) dealing with food allergies, we want and need to be as well-informed as possible. I wrote my original post in the hope that someone would be able to recommend candy corn made by a completely peanut free facility. Blueberry Hill--in my humble opinion--seems to be the most peanut allergy friendly candy corn currently available, and that's good to know. In addition, please note that I did not seek out Peanut Free Planet--they contacted me. In fact, I did not solicit comments from any retailers; I only sought product information from candy manufacturers.
Those of you who have emailed me and commented have made many valid points, many of which I agree with wholeheartedly. And I thank all of you for sharing your views! But I would like to make one potentially impolitic point. As imperfect as they may appear, Peanut Free Planet remains one of the few allergy friendly online stores in the U.S. I really do want food allergy friendly companies to flourish--I think we all do. Hopefully, this will be the last post on this subject and we can move onto new items! Anyone have a good pumpkin pie recipe?
If you are reading this post and wondering what all this candy corn talk is about, here are the two posts which will give you the background: The Candy Corn Mystery
Those of you who have emailed me and commented have made many valid points, many of which I agree with wholeheartedly. And I thank all of you for sharing your views! But I would like to make one potentially impolitic point. As imperfect as they may appear, Peanut Free Planet remains one of the few allergy friendly online stores in the U.S. I really do want food allergy friendly companies to flourish--I think we all do. Hopefully, this will be the last post on this subject and we can move onto new items! Anyone have a good pumpkin pie recipe?
If you are reading this post and wondering what all this candy corn talk is about, here are the two posts which will give you the background: The Candy Corn Mystery
I have been watching the great candy corn debate and felt like my lurking must end. Heather's last email message is the reason I have decided to end my silence.
Your original post quotes Blueberry Hill as stating
"[p]lease know we do use peanuts in our facility. . . ." However, Heather from Peanut Free Planet in her last e-mail states "[t]he Blueberry Hill facility that produces Candy Corn is a peanut-free facility." Heather bases her statement on the alleged industry, legal, and dictionary definitions of facility. I assume that Heather, an expert wordsmith, must not consider Blueberry Hill's own admission that they are not a peanut-free facility sufficient proof that Blueberry Hill is not a peanut-free facility. I cannot imagine why Heather from Peanut Free Planet would attempt to define a facility as peanut-free, when the actual facility owner has acknowledged the fact that it is not a peanut-free facility. I would love to know why Heather would pursue this lost cause.
Further, I laughed at Heather's attempt to allege a lawsuit might be brought. Who does Heather believe would bring such a lawsuit? Blueberry Hill for correctly posting valuable and accurate information? I want you and your other readers to know I will never trust Peanut Free Planet based upon Heather's own e-mails. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your comment and your support. Well stated!
The candy corn story has gone on for so long, I felt I had no choice but to make all the emails public. It wasn't an easy decision. Now everyone can have all the information I have and draw their own conclusions. :)
"In addition, please know that I did not seek out Peanut Free Planet--they contacted me."
Didn't you post about PFP on Isn't that what prompted them to contact you? I will continue to shop at PFP but like any responsible parent of an allergic child, I will also do my own checking and research.
Thanks for your comment, Gale.
No, I did not post about PFP on Perhaps you're confusing me with another commenter?
I did ask if anyone knew of any safe candy corn, though, One person recommended Vermont Nut Free and the other recommended Safeway. Then, I started calling candy corn companies.
What actually happened was that an unhappy customer apparently forwarded my first candy corn post to PFP, and PFP then emailed me. In fact, Heather mentions this in her first email to me. You can read all of the emails in
Glad to hear you will continue to support PFP! We need to support the few food allergy friendly businesses that exist, and PFP has an increasingly diverse selection which is good news for those in need of peanut-free options (like my family).
I couldn't agree with you more about doing your own checking and research. You can't ever be too careful. After all, peanut allergy--like other food allergies--can be life-threatening.
BTW, Gale, if it's helpful, my screen name on is Jenniferbfab.
Oh gosh I'm so sorry-I WAS confusing you with someone else!
No problem! :)
I think you confused Jennifer with me, Cyndi. I found when I was researching PFP and I posted my comment on, because of the fact that PFP advertised that the products they suppy are from peanut/nut free facilities, which is inaccurate. Also, PFP had posted on and I wanted to share the information I had learned with other people. If you would like any other information about me, you may contact me by message on
Thank you for this blog. You are a wonderful writer and you keep visiting your site to see what else is on your mind.
Cyndi, thank you for your kind words. Glad you enjoy the blog! :)
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