15 September 2008

New Food Allergy Resource

Have you visited Zeer.com?  I've been stopping by Zeer every week for a few months now.  I think it has the potential to be a fantastic tool for food allergic individuals and their families.  First, Zeer has a massive database of almost every food you can find at the supermarket. You can read product reviews by other Zeer members or write a product review yourself.  And Zeer has communities for a number of food allergies and other special diets.  For example, if you or a loved one are allergic to dairy, you can join the dairy allergy community, read "infobits" specific to dairy allergy as well as any tips or hot discussion topics in Zeer's dairy allergy community.  Zeer has other cool features too--you can create a shopping list using the Zeer product database and reviews, print your list out, or even check your lists or product reviews from your cell phone.  

Zeer's a great website, but the food allergy communities need more members and reviews.  At the moment, a large number of the food allergy friendly products reviewed have been reviewed by me!  We need a little more variety, and that's where you come in--when more members of the food allergy community begin to use it, it'll be a fantastic way for us all to exchange and share food allergy friendly product information in a central location.  Check it out!

*Did you notice the new Zeer widget in the right sidebar?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, and we'd love any suggestions or ideas for improvement from your readers, and anyone with food allergies!

Mike Putnam
CEO and Founder

Anonymous said...

I had not heard of this but I will certainly check it out. Sounds great!!

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