11 September 2008

"Health Canada Reminds Parents of School Lunch Allergen Safety"

I read on one of my favorite blogs--A propos des allergies alimentaires--about a press release from Health Canada with the above title.  The Canadian government is actually encouraging--not requiring!--parents of non-allergic children to pack food allergy friendly lunches.  What a great message! Can you imagine that happening in the U.S.? How I wish! Remember that Aerosmith song, "Dream On"? For my anglophone friends, here is the English language version: Health Canada Reminds Parents of School Lunch Allergen Safety.


Jenny said...

This is great and very inspiring to those of us who read the message boards with inflammatory remarks against food-allergic families who want to restrict the presence of peanut in schools.

Canada seems very progressive in this area--what is the deal with that?? Why is the U.S. so resistant to peanut bans at school? Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Jennifer B, for this post!

Lise Samson said...

I am joining you to sing « Dream on » because I hope that someday we will have a Canadian school policy about food allergy.

Jenny, Peanut butter sandwiches are a lot more popular in United States than in Canada.

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