"What Else is to Eat?" features recipes for foods that everyone can enjoy, whether they have food allergies or not. Main dishes, side dishes, breakfast foods, and baked goods are all included. With an emphasis on fast and easy recipes that use "normal," easy-to-find ingredients, this book is designed for today's busy lifestyles."
The official publication date is September 15, 2008, but you can get an "advance" copy at www.FoodAllergyBooks.com/order.htm. And if you order by August 31, 2008 and enter the coupon code CB2B, you can receive the book via priority mail to U.S. shipping addresses for FREE!
Just wanted to let you know that I tried a couple of times to add your blog to my google reader without success. I don't know why it won't work, but I haven't had a problem with any of the other blogs I read. Libby
Hmm. I have no idea why this google reader trouble is happening. I 'll see if there is a way to fix it. Thanks for letting me know!
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