12 July 2008

Thanks for Making the Ballpark More Food Allergy Friendly!

When I visited the Baseball as America exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston recently, there were two quotes featured in the exhibit which struck me. From a video clip of Humphrey Bogart, "A hotdog at the game beats roastbeef at the Ritz. You see nice people. You yell for your guys. Good for your lungs. Gives you a lift, and nobody calls the cops." And printed on the wall, there is Jacques Barzun's familiar quote "To understand America, one must understand baseball..."

It is so significant that food allergy support groups, individual advocates, moms, dads, food allergy friendly businesses and baseball clubs have made an effort to accommodate peanut and tree nut allergic fans. Baseball is a big part of our culture. Opening day is equivalent to the beginning of summer. So, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has made it possible for these "peanut-free" games, zones, and skyboxes to occur. If you notice anyone missing from my list, please let me know! Likewise, if you prefer not to be included in the list, let me know and I will remove your name right away. Thanks for making things a little more food allergy friendly:
Anna McCartney
Christie Campie
Cindy Paskey
Cristina Stainkamp
Debbie Bruce
Jana Robertson
Michael San Soucie
Michelle Repp
Todd Leiter-Weintraub


Anonymous said...

Surprised to see my name here. But, all I was doing was looking out for my son and other kids like him.

It was very easy to get the team to have a "Peanut-Free" night, really. All I did was call the team and ask. And, since Enjoy Life Foods is in the area too, I figured that I'd call them as well, as it seemed like a natural fit for sponsorship.

So... really... you all can get stuff done, too; just pick up the phone or write an email.

Todd Leiter-Weintraub

PS - The game was last night and we all had a ball!!!

Unknown said...

Todd, thanks for your comment! I am glad to hear it went well. I have not had any luck with the ballclubs here yet, unfortunately. Maybe next season!

Jana said...

I was surprised to see my name, too! I've been in contact with the Mariners for many years but it wasn't me that made it happen! It was Michael San Soucie - please add him to your list. He was interviewed here http://www.king5.com/sports/stories/NW_072308SPB_mariners_peanut_seating_KS.83967ff9.html
Thank you for gathering all the info!

Unknown said...

Jana-thanks for the info! I appreciate it!

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