23 July 2008

"Peanut-Free" Baseball Continues

Wow!  Karen of Avoiding Milk Protein pointed out a listing of peanut-free games on Kids with Food Allergies.  As you know, I have been posting lists of these games since May, and as I hear about new ones, I keep updating.  Looks like there are only a few late additions, but there's still time to include them in your summer plans.

July 29, 2008
Cedar Rapids, IA
Cedar Rapids Kernels, all seats peanut-free

August 3, 2008
Mahoning Valley, OH
Mahoning Vallery Scrappers, all seats peanut-free*

August 3, 2008
Manchester, NH
New Hampshire Fisher Cats, no details readily available (?)

August 6, 2008
New Britain, CT
New Britain Rock Cats, food-free section 118

A big thank you for these games goes to:

By the way, if any of you can fill us in on the missing information for the New Hampshire Fisher Cats, it would be much appreciated!  We'd love to know if they are offering a peanut-free section or is it the entire park? And we'd love to know who helped coordinate the effort with the Fisher Cats!

*Before I sign off, I have to mention that I had a very nice conversation with a gentleman named Al who is affiliated with the Scrappers in Ohio.  If only more people were as considerate as Al and his colleagues!  He told me about the August 3 peanut-free game, how they came to decide upon that date and the efforts they have planned to clean the park and ensure as safe an environment as possible.  That date was chosen because it is the first home game following a period of about 5 days of away games, giving the cleaning crew plenty of time to power-wash, sweep, and scour the stadium.  They decided to make the whole park peanut-free for that game to lessen the chances of stray peanuts and peanut-dust.  And Al even asked if I--as someone connected to the food allergy community--had any recommendations.  I suggested giving the mascot costume a good cleaning since I once read of a child having an allergic reaction only after hugging a mascot at a peanut-free game.  Al appreciated that tip, saying the mascot is just about the last thing one would think of, but it's an easy enough potential problem to fix--I agree!  I never would have thought of it if I hadn't read that article some time ago.  It certainly sounds like the Scrappers and POAK are doing everything they possibly can to make it a fun and safe evening for everyone!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hi, Jen, this is great that ball parks are doing this. Thanks for the updates.

BTW, I "tagged" you on my site. Come to my blog to view the rules if you want to participate.


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